Vitamin E: Potent Antioxidant and Much More

Many people are surprised to learn that “vitamin E” is not a single vitamin. It’s actually a collective name for a group of fat-soluble compounds. Naturally occurring vitamin E exists in eight unique chemical forms: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. Each has varying levels of biological activity, and it’s…

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The Calming Power of Passionflower

For centuries, the unusual looking violet and white passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) has been used as a calming botanical treatment. Its use dates back to the Aztecs in Central America who used parts of the vine to treat insomnia. Native Americans used it to soothe inflammation in wounds. Spanish conquistadors brought passionflower to Europe and from…

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Elevating Self-Awareness with “Shadow Journaling”

When it comes to journaling, many people have a tendency to write down what they want or hope to be true or even what they think should be true. The more difficult work in journaling, perhaps even the scary work, is to write about what is actually true for a given situation, for the relationships…

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Recipe: Vegan Persimmon Cookies

These moist, scrumptious, and delicately sweet persimmon cookies are light enough for a mid-morning snack and perfect as an after-dinner treat with a cup of tea. As the cookies bake, your kitchen will fill with the aroma of nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon and you’ll be swept right into the spirit of the holiday season. Ingredients1…

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Persimmon: a Nutritious, Fruity Gem

Persimmon is an Asian specialty or “rare” fruit, available in several varieties, classified broadly by sweetness or astringency. Two of the most common are Fuyu and Hachiya.  Persimmons are packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants can help counteract oxidative stress in the body, which has been…

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Navigating Change in Uncertain Times

Here’s a truth we’re all facing: none of us is invincible against the winds of change. But we also don’t have to be defenseless. When confronted by tumultuous times, as we have been in 2020, we each have the power to make choices that can move us through uncertainty and difficulty.  Regardless of how change happens…

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