Coriander or Cilantro?
Cilantro and coriander come from the same plant species Coriandrum sativum. In different parts of the world, the very same plant-with its many health benefits-is referred to differently.
For Americans, cilantro refers to the leaves and the stalks, both of which are edible. The dried seeds of the same plant are called coriander. For Europeans, coriander refers to the leaves, stalks and the seeds. To make it even a little more confusing, in Europe and other places in the world, the leaves may also be called Mexican Parsley.
Coriander is more mineral-rich than cilantro, which has more vitamins. Coriander, compared to the biting flavor of cilantro, is warm, nutty, and has a spicy-citrus zest to it. Consequently, you would cook different dishes with each herb. Likewise, your holistic health practitioner would use these two “medicinal foods” differently in giving you nutrition advice or when prescribing either as a botanical medicine.
Coriander and cilantro both contain antioxidants that help suppress inflammation caused by free radicals. Extracts of coriander seed reduce inflammation and may even inhibit growth of certain types of cancer cells (more research is needed). Both herbs may help in managing blood sugar levels by increasing the rate at which enzymes remove sugar from the bloodstream. Additionally, coriander may help lower the “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and increase “good cholesterol” (HDL) in the bloodstream.
To learn more about how coriander/cilantro can benefit your health, either as a whole food or nutritional supplement, speak to your holistic health practitioner or nutritionist.
Veda, Prachayasittikul, Supaluk, Prachayasittikul, et al., “Coriander (Coriandrum sativum): A promising functional food for well-being.” Food Research International (2018) 105, 305-323.
Sreelatha S, Inbavalli R. “Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antihyperlipidemic effects of Coriandrum sativum leaf and stem in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.” J Food Sci. (2012 Jul) 77(7):T119-23. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2012.02755.x PMID: 22671941.
Kubala, J. (reviewer) Ware, M. (posted by) MedicalNewsToday.com “Why is Cilantro (Coriander) Good for You?”